In these degenerate days is there such a thing as a counterculture?
Are there still people who think that music and music culture is important?
If we all chant loud enough will it stop the rain?
There is only one way to find out (and it costs nothing but your time)


Saturday, 6 July 2013

GONZO MAGAZINE #33 (6th July 2013)

Issue Thirty-Three     July 6th 2013
This is the nearest that you are ever going to get to a posh weekend colour supplement from the Gonzo Daily team. Each week we shall go through the best bits of the week before, and if there aren't any we shall make some up, or simply make our excuses and leave (you can tell the editor once did contract work at the News of the World can't ya?)
Social media stuff that I am really too old to understand, (my stepdaughter spent much of last Christmas trying to explain Twitter to me) but I am assuming that at least some of our readers are younger and hipper than I am.
Google Plus
Google Plus
So what is this all about?

It is simple; my name is Jon and I am the editor of the Gonzo Multimedia daily online magazine. Now there is a weekly newsletter, once again edited by me and my trusty orange cat from a dilapidated ex-potato shed  in rural Devonshire.

You subscribed to it by opting in on the website. I hope that you all stay to join in the fun, but if it is not to your liking it is just as easy to unsubscribe again. But what a long, strange trip it is gonna be...
I love the new technology. I have always wanted to be able to publish an anarchic but sophisticated journal of letters, sounds and ideas, and over the years I have tried on several occasions. But I have always been let down by the methods of distribution. Back in the days of fanzines I could never afford anything but the most rudimentary photocopied reproduction, and my attempts to upgrade landed me on the brink of bankruptcy on several occasions.

But the new technology, which - ironically - as well as being the facilitator for what we do, is also the subject of some of what we write about, like this new movie about Napster, for example, has freed me from all that. I can write, typeset, process, and publish things almost instantaneously, which when you add my rapidly growing team of boys and girls, means that the sky is - as they say - the limit.

I am growing up in public, as it were. The Gonzo Weekly has been going for six months now, and we are beginning to find our feet. I am making changes as I go along, and - no doubt - some of these changes will turn out to be mistakes. So, let me know what you think. Do they work? Do you like them? Hate them? Or don't you care either way?

Please pass this magazine around as far and wide as you can. And encourage as many people as you can to subscribe. Remember it is free, and will remain so. However, I want as many subscribers as possible to move on to the next stage of the party. There might well be cake.

Remember, I am always looking for new authors. If there is something that you feel you could add to the general melange which is the Gonzo Weekly, please email me at The more the merrier.

Although this newsletter also goes out in a plain text version for those of you who do not trust image intensive thingys in your browser, I promise that as long as it is technically feasible (which will be for the forseeable future) the text only mailout will continue. However, I strongly advise that for you to get the best out of this rapidly evolving publication, that you really should see it in all its picture-led glory.

THE WEEK THAT'S PAST: Alan Dearling makes an exhibition of himself
After its previous exhibition attracted more than 800 visitors in a matter of weeks, Eyemouth Museum is hoping there will be the same level of interest in its latest offering. ‘Times Gone By’, which opened at the end of April, focused on Eyemouth’s past, bringing together paintings, photos and stories from those who either experienced first hand or were inspired by their heritage.
Particularly popular was the work of Walter Hay which sold well amongst those who visited the exhibition. Walter donated all proceeds from the sales to the museum and the Fishermen’s Mission.

Buoyed by the success of ‘Times Gone By’, museum manager Lyn Bogle has been busy collating exhibits for ‘Further Afield’, which received its grand opening last week. Like ‘Times Gone By’ there is still very much a local feel to proceedings with photographs from Eyemouth residents Lawson Wood and Alan Dearling, who is also displaying a number of his best-selling books.

Read on...
THE WEEK THAT'S PAST: Gathering no moss
I am finding the cultural fallout from The Rolling Stones' Glastonbury show quite interesting. The only thing that anyone seems to want to complain about is their age. So What? Everyone ages. No-one looks as good as they did thirty years ago. In fact I look considerably better since I discovered that without a beard, and with that silly moustache I had, I looked vaguely like a bad tempered goldfish. But I digress. The band played a blinding set, and - particularly the bit with Mick Taylor - proved that the vision that Brian Jones had all those years ago for a British R&B band featuring intermeshing guitars, still sounds valid in the 21st Century. Over the past year the Rolling Stones brand looked to me and other media commentators on several occasions as if it had run its course. Saturday night proved us all wrong. Wrinkles? Who cares?
THE WEEK THAT'S PAST: Still on The Stones (Over to Helen McC)
The Stones... on TV we could see men whose faces looked many years older than their ages and whose bodies looked many years younger. Mick Jagger moves like the dancer he is (the male precursor to Madonna perhaps: all sexy but not that great a voice). Ron and Keith- well, they were stiff and elderly and especially at the beginning of the Glastonbury set, they looked downright lazy.

Apart from their hits, I don't know their music very well and the first part of their set was a mystery to me - and very definitely a case of  The Emperor's New Clothes (or old clothes, but we're all heading there, aren't we?). I think I am the only person in the world who never has liked the Stones. From the outset, Mick's conceited persona has been deeply unappealing. I was a bit too young to think him sexy and later, getting into James Brown, Little Richard and Chuck Berry, I preferred the black originals to the white copies. Then the NME gave away a flexidisc of some songs from 'Exile on Main Street' and I loved the production, which was harsh and spontaneous sounding. But even though I played it to oblivion, it didn't make me a Stones fan. Like floral settees, Whiskey, Mills and Boon novels, Hunters wellies ( just autocorrected to 'willies' BTW, perish the thought), the whole point of them has passed me by.

Later in their Glastonbury set, there were hits which seemed to re-energise the semi-comatose guitarists and I could see their appeal. Mick dances really hard and I am full of admiration for his physical fitness and stamina. But would I want to go to see them play? Nope, not even for the dubious cachet of  'I've seen the Stones play'. And not even 'No, because so many of their songs are so misogynisyic'.

Read on...
THE WEEK THAT'S PAST:  A letter from Alan St. John
 . . .And this is just to say thanks for the weekly 'zine. Even if i haven't time to read all of it. It's good to know that the spirit that informed printed fanzines and newssheets of the past is alive and well. I was gratified to note you mentioned the upcoming benefit changes in your editiorial. It's all too easy to ignore stuff like this, in the current climate, where we are definitely NOT all in it together, and those who are doing okay are given every encouragement to take no heed of the plight of those who aren't.

We live, often unawares, under a govt. which has NO qualms about throwing people onto the streets because their council property is now deemed too big for them, or depriving people of the tiny pittance of 'Sh*tseeker's allowance' they get for the most spurious of reasons, like failing to arrive @ a dole office on time, thus forcing them to live on what are REALLY handouts (not entitlements under European Law) from the growing number of food banks. You know all of this. Music lives and breathes, so that we can do so in more than just tolerable existing.


THE WEEK THAT'S PAST: Laughing at the Deviants
I am two thirds of the way through reading Jonathon Green's 'Days in the Life: Voices from the English Underground, 1961-71'. I read his 'All Dressed Up' some years ago and was mightily impressed, and have been meaning to read this one ever since, but never got around to it. However I was so unimpressed by Maconie's 'The People's Songs' last week,  I decided that I needed some proper oral pop history. This book is not only excellent but so funny in places that it made me laugh out loud. The description of how Mick Farren tried to get a band together called 'The Pink Fairies', but merely went to gigs, got horribly drunk and harangued the audience until the audience threw things at them was priceless, and reminded me of some of the less successful earlier episodes in my own career.

The day after I included the above passage on the Gonzo blog, I received the following brief note from Jack Lancaster:

Mick is a dear old friend and ex song writing partner. He would consider the events described as an outstanding success.

I think that this is probably why Mick Farren and I are soulmates.
THE WEEK THAT'S PAST: The Gospel according to Bart
I had a brief, but poignant note from Bart Lancia, my favourite roving reporter this week:

It seems Ray Manzarek had to die before John Densmore came to his senses.. There was a time when Densmore took legal action to prevent Robbie Krieger and Manzarek from touring as 'The Doors of the 21st Century'... How sad life can be,when a friend has to pass away before old wounds can be healed... Hope all is well,Mate.... B.L.
Remember, if you want more than your weekly fix of this newsletter you can check out the Gonzo Daily, which - as its name implies - does much the same as this newsletter but every day. It also features a daily poem from Thom the World Poet, and the occasional non-Gonzo rock music rambling from yours truly, plus book and gig reviews from our highly trained staff of social malcontents. And its FREE! You cannae say fairer than that!
Each week, some of you seem to recognise me. Yes, I am indeed that weird bloke off the telly who chases mythological animals. I have a day job as Director of the Centre for Fortean Zoology, and also the editor of the CFZ Blog Network, and publisher of a plethora of books about mystery animals.
THOSE WE HAVE LOST:  Gary Shearston (1939-2013)
Gary Rhett Shearston (9 January 1939 – 1 July 2013) was an Australian singer and songwriter who was a leading figure of the folk music revival of the 1960s. He was notable as a performer of Australian traditional folk songs in an authentic style. He scored a Top 10 hit in the United Kingdom in 1974 with his cover version of the Cole Porter song "I Get a Kick out of You".

Gary at Wikipedia
Our tribute to Gary

Another little bit of my past has died. Back in the autumn of 1974, when the UK went into its second General Election of the year I had whooping cough very badly and about six weeks off school. During this period this record was one of my favourites. My father heard it and started to rant about how Shearston had destroyed the purity of the original by mentioning cocaine (it was in the original lyrics, but my Dad would never see sense when he was angry - a bit like me), and how disgusting Shearston's long hair was. No wonder the British Empire had collapsed, yadda yadda yadda.
I still like the record, even though I have been singularly unmoved by most of the other music of his that I have heard, and I am sad that he has died.
Rest in peace dude.
COVER STORY: Erik Norlander Interview
I like my job. In fact, I like both my jobs. But if we ignore my day job running the Centre for Fortean Zoology for the moment, I have been a toiler in the rock and roll vineyard for many years, and I think that it is truthful to say that I have enjoyed most of it.  I have been writing about Gonzofolk for about eighteen months now, and I have become rather fond of many of the people with whom I have been working, and about whom I have been writing.

One of the people I am fondest of is Erik Norlander; a sweet, kind and gentle man who likes curry and is happy to chat about science fiction until the proverbial cows come home.

Talking to him the other night, I was truly affected by how tired the poor chap appeared. He sounded like he had the weight of the multiverse on his shoulder. But then again, he has a heck of a lot on his plate at the moment. 
JON: How is life in planet Norlander at the moment?

ERIK: It’s quite good at the moment.  We have our big 4th July holiday tomorrow, so Lana and I are heading out of town for a few days.

JON: Where are you going? Anywhere nice?

ERIK: We are going to Las Vegas actually. We’re going to go visit my bandmate John Payne and see his Las Vegas show and just have a little bit of a vacation

JON: I’ve been reading about that.  It sounds rather spectacular.

ERIK: It really does. He’s been working on it for quite a while I know, and obviously it’s been taking up quite a bit of time and cutting into the band a bit as you would imagine, but you know, we’re all just kind of holding on patiently and letting him do it because it’s a phenomenal opportunity for him. So while things might have slowed down with the band a little bit, it’s great for John.

JON: And you’ve all got your other projects as well haven’t you….

ERIK: Yes we do.  Of course.

JON: So is the band actually on hiatus at the moment, or is it just on a bit of a slow?

ERIK: It’s a hard question to answer.  I mean I wouldn’t say it’s completely on hiatus because we just played a gig in Florida at the end of May.  And we do have a few other dates coming up over the summer it looks like, but it’s definitely not moving at the same pace as it has done in past years. In the United States, the summer is a really great time to tour and because of this musical that John’s doing, we’ve had to curtail our summer dates quite a bit. So it’s not like nothing’s  going to happen with the band for a year so go do something else and then come back, but it’s definitely been going more slowly.

JON: Because the album is due out soon isn’t it?

ERIK: I think the album will come out when the album comes out. It’s really up to John at this point. He has all of my tracks, he has all of Jay’s tracks. He wants to mix it himself and that kind of makes him the gatekeeper of it all. So it will be done when it’s done.  I doubt very much that it will be done this year, at this point, but I do hope that we will release a few more singles. That’s something that looks pretty possible.  But as far as the rest of it, I don‘t know. I think we’re just going to have to wait for John to come back from his Las Vegas show and then we’ll go on from there.

Read on...
Mimi sent me these two pictures from her recent live show with Bassnectar, with whom she collaborated on a couple of tunes last year. I was interested to hear how the collaborative process worked, and she told me "I engineer and produce all my vocals from my home studio in Los Angeles, California. For Butterfly, on top of my vocal work, I also wrote the piano hook and created the synths in the intro. "

She is certainly a busy girl at the moment. She told me: "I'm working on a lot of different things, in all aspects of my career -

I just released an EP called "Requiem." My song "Requiem" has appeared as a recurring theme for several episodes of the tv show "Ghost Adventures" on Travel Channel. In August I'll be filming the music video for "Treading the Abyss" (first track on the "Requiem" EP). "Treading the Abyss" is in daily rotation on Sirius/XM Chill radio which I'm very happy about.

Finishing up my next full length album "Ethereal Blues"

I just collaborated with one of my favorite video game composers Inon Zur for a film trailer.
Have about 5 unreleased collaborations with EDM producers that are scheduled for release very soon.

Film Scoring:
I'm scoring an independent feature film called "2 Criminals" which I'm writing the theme song for as well as making a guest appearance in. It takes place in Japan so I'll be flying to Japan in November to film.

I'm producing an EP for another emerging singer/songwriter named Julianne Lassard.

Live Shows:

I'm performing in San Diego on July 4th with GoldRush and flying to St. Thomas, Virgin Islands for a private solo performance mid July."

Wow. That is certainly a full schedule.
ABOVE: Judy and her posse in her 'hood
I was being frivolous yesterday, and I sent Judy and her producer an e-mail suggesting "We scrap the album, you change your name to "JudeD (D)", and you record a rap single about social issues concerning inner city gangs and knife crime. Yo!" and later on "I'm just not sure whether she needs to do streetlevel grindcore hiphop or Norwegian style Satanic death metal. I wonder if we could mix them, so I have already taken the liberty of writing her a song called "All hail our dark lord (innit?)""

She wrote back and said "well I have already been sampled", and sent me THIS.

Like I said in the title Judy NEVER ceases to amaze me...
Welcome to Gonzo Mick Abrahams!!
Having spent a totally delightful time in the company of Jethro Tull, and Blodwyn Pig, blues guitarist extraordinaire Mick Abrahams, Rob Ayling (Gonzo Grande Fromage) is very pleased to announce that Gonzo are to be releasing some of Mick's wonderful music. The first release will be "65" a double CD/DVD combo of Mick's Birthday - a prize for anyone who can guess which one? This release features: Paul Jones, Elliot Randal and a reformation of Blodwyn Pig, with Jack Lancaster and Clive Bunker. 
Welcome to Gonzo Mick Abrahams!
A sneak peek from Liz Lenten
Bloody hell Elizabeth! I knew the results of your sojourn in Nashville would be good, but I had no Idea that they would be this good.

Somehow you have mined the rich seam of Southern country blues, that Dr John has been doing for years and that Elvis and Dusty Springfield did at their best.

I was excited by the demos you sent me a few weeks ago, but these songs outstrip anything that I could possibly have imagined. I am so looking forward to being able to share them with the rest of the world.

Well done!

A couple of weeks ago, the legendary Mick Farren, the revolutionary man of letters that I have often aspired to be when I have not been aspiring to be something completely different, sent me a copy of his new novel - Road Movie. It is as good as one would have hoped, if not better, and this week thanks to those jolly nice people at Penny Ante editions, I am in the glorious position of being able to publish a chunk of it, exclusively for you.

Ain't life grand? 
Lies, Damned Lies and the Media.
In 1924 there was a minority Labour Government in power in the UK. It was the first Labour Government in history.
In those days the Labour Party was still fresh. It had been formed in 1900 from an alliance between socialist groups (including the forerunners of the British Communist Party) and the Trade Unions. It had a purpose. Its purpose was to represent the interests of working people in Parliament. It had a socialist agenda. Its aim was to remove the inequities in economic life, to undertake a whole scale redistribution of wealth and to take strategic industries into public ownership. Membership of the Labour Party was made up exclusively of socialists, Trade Unionists, and working people. It was wedded to a class interpretation of history. It saw itself as the parliamentary wing of the Labour Movement, merely one strand in a general movement towards the liberation of working people from the economic constraints of capitalism. Its eventual aim was the complete and final abolition of capitalism.

Unfortunately it was hamstrung by its minority position. Every policy decision was voted down by the combined efforts of the minority parties. It went to the Polls hoping to gain a majority. It lost.

By 1945, when the first majority Labour Government had come to power, the Labour Party was no longer a socialist party. Its aim was not to abolish capitalism, but to work with it for a greater share of the wealth for working people: not whole scale redistribution, but some semblance of fairness merely. Its philosophy was based upon the work of the Liberal Economist, Maynard Keynes and was known as the Mixed Economy. The Mixed Economy involved an alliance between private industry and public services, using the public services as a way of priming the pump of capitalism, as a route by which public money could be funnelled into the economy. Its agenda had been agreed by Winston Churchill and the National Government during the war years. It was carrying out policies which would have been implemented no matter which party had won the election. And although there were still a large number of working people in the party, there had been a major influx of middle class people in the meantime, particularly Lawyers, who now made up a significant proportion of Members of Parliament.

By the time I joined the party, sometime in 1985, its membership was almost exclusively middle class.

But you have to wonder what a majority Labour government in 1924 might have done. It would have been a different world.

The reason the Labour Party had lost in 1924 was because of a letter which appeared in the Daily Mail. It was front page news. It purported to come from Grigoriy Yevseyevich Zinoviev, a member of the ruling Politburo of the Soviet Union, and it called upon British Communists (who had helped set up the Labour Party) to use the party as a vehicle to foment revolution. As a consequence there was a witch hunt of Communist Party members from the Labour Party and they lost the election. The Labour Party were a front for a Soviet plot to undermine Britain, it was said.

It was only later that it was revealed that the so-called "Zinoviev Letter" was a fake.

This is certainly not the only time in history that fabricated evidence has been used to change public opinion. Fake documents purporting to show that Iraq had been importing Uranium from Niger were one of the bases used to justify the recent war. Something very similar may well be happening to George Galloway right now. If the incriminating documents found in Baghdad and splashed across the front page of the Telegraph do, indeed, turn out to be false, several months - or even years - down the line, then it might merit a line or two on the inside pages of the newspaper. But the damage will have been done. George Galloway will have lost his seat in Parliament, and one more effective voice will have been stifled.

I don’t think we have to speculate too hard to work out who it was behind the Zinoviev Letter. We only have to know who gained by its publication.

As Adolph Hitler once said: "The great masses of people. . .will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one."

This, of course, turns out to be the rule rather than the exception. Fabrication of the news in order to determine the media agenda is one of the tools by which governments get us to go along with what they had already planned to do anyway. The road to Baghdad has been littered with such falsehoods. We’ve already mentioned the fake export documents from Niger. Then there was that dossier plagiarised from a ten year old post-graduate thesis taken from the net. And Colin Powell’s presentation to the United Nations involving shots of low-flying aircraft supposedly capable of spraying chemical and biological weapons which, when looked at closely, turned out to be computer generated images merely. The list goes on. These are only the cases we know about. How many more great lies and small lies lie hidden amidst the rubble of this media-led war?

Finally there is the example of the toppling of Saddam’s statue in Baghdad. We all saw the pictures. It looked like one of those moments of a spontaneous uprising of the people we often see in history, and fulfilled the American’s prediction that, once the people were free from Saddam, they would welcome the coalition forces as liberators. It certainly looked that way. Well even that moment was a fake. The "vast crowds" of Iraqi people actually consisted of about 150 hand-picked extras in an empty square, revealing less about the mood and the feelings of the Iraqi people, and more about the value of close-framed filming - a technique learned from Hollywood - to give the impression of large numbers. The crowds were actually followers of Ahmed Chalabi, the Pentagon’s own chosen successor to Saddam in the new "liberated" Iraq.

So there you have it: another "Hollywood Moment" in the story of Iraq, and proof, if any more were needed, that it is the victors who write the history. Indeed, in this case, the victors are even writing the history as they are constructing it. What the Iraqi people themselves think about all this is yet to be discovered, if anyone has even bothered to ask.

In other words: be very wary about what you see on your TV. It could be a pack of lies.


(The Masters of the Universe do seem to have a steady stream of interesting stories featuring them, their various friends and relations, and alumni). Each week Graham Inglis keeps us up to date with the latest news from the Hawkverse..
Things are fairly quiet on the Hawkwind front at present, apart from concern for ex-Hawkwind member Lemmy, who recently had to cancel a string of Motorhead tour dates for health reasons.  Having recently suffered a haematoma (basically, a blood clot in the body's tissue) he's reportedly been told to get some rest for a couple of weeks.

Lemmy's not exactly a model of healthy living, but it appears that he's heeding the advice on this occasion. Motorhead's  summer dates have been cancelled, and the drummer, Mikkey Dee, has been quoted as saying, "You have to put health before everything else."  Given Lemmy's almost-legendary intake of Jack Daniels whiskey, that piece of news will likely be quite a relief to any worried fans.
now reissued by Gonzo (and typeset by me)


No, I will not think of you
laid out under lamps: the glare
of eyes, above white bandit-
masks, all trained on you; your flesh
cut back and held by clamps, while
instruments investigate;

your pale, blue-veined breasts both touched
with expert vermilion
openings, like two lip-sticked
mouths, smiling, one on either
side, a vision of Magritte’s.
I will think of something else

and smoke a continuous
cigarette.  I will only
think of the surgeon’s pencil-
marks, you wore the night before,
as a fading endorsement,
for a readmission to some

orgy, a eunuch doorman
applied to your breasts as you
stepped outside to take the air.
I refuse to think of you
asleep beneath the breathing
mask of a black Ganesha:

your trunk sucking oxygen;
your eyes gone in; under more
dazzle than this scarred page’s
angle-poise.  I will not mourn
your imagined death, for the taste
of tears.  I will only think

of the morning, when I’ll come
with grapes and flowers to rouse
you from your anaesthetic
shell; to unwrap and open
the shy kiss I shall give you;
when you lie in albumen-coloured sheets.

As exquisite as though you were newly hatched.

The Court Circular tells interested readers about the comings and goings of members of The Royal Family. However, readers of this periodical seem interested in the comings and goings of Yes and of various alumni of this magnificent and long-standing band. Give the people what they want, I say
It has been a fairly quiet week in Yes land, but, nevertheless, we have still managed to print some interesting stories. Yes, prog-rock of the Seventies is back, says Rick Wakeman proclaimed the headline last Sunday. But in my house, it never went away. The biggest Rick Wakeman news of the week is the news that next year he istouring Journey to the Centre of the Earth  But apart from Rick we posted news of Geoff Downes' new band, and an interesting interview with Steve Howe, so there is certainly enough news to keep the Yesfires burning.
I am probably getting a bit OCD about all of this, but I find the Yes soap opera of sound to be absolutely enthralling, and I for one can't wait to see what happens next! 
TRAYVON MARTIN (all of 17)
went shopping for skittles/on the way home
his life was stolen by a man with a gun.
That much is certain.Trayvon will not be coming home
yet, every day,on television,the face of his killer
in a suit, on stage  for a jury to decide
whether second degree murder
will be punished or released.Jamie Foxx's T-shirt
speaks justice via media.It has been a year
since Trayvon has gone from us.Hoodies are not the issue.
Race is not the issue.Law and order is not the issue.
The issue is murder by gun of one so young.
Any more is a massacre.Start with the truth..
Trayvon is gone.What will you do?
The Trayvon Martin case on Wikipedia
In Victorian times every well-bred Gentleman had a 'Cabinet of Curiosities'; a collection of peculiar odds and sods, usually housed in a finely made cabinet with a glass door. These could include anything from Natural History specimens to historical artefacts. There has always been something of the Victorian amateur naturalist about me, and I have a houseful of arcane objects; some completely worthless, others decidedly not, but all precious to me for the memories they hold..

I used to be a collector of rock and roll memorabilia, but most of my collection went into my solicitor's pocket during my divorce from my first wife, and I never had the stomach to build the collection up again. However, people send me pictures of interesting things such as this.
According to Helen McCookerybook: "This was supposed to be printed in the Glastonbury Free Press, a daily paper that should have been printed on a vintage Heidelberg press. The press said No, and the paper wasn't printed. A limited edition of this might appear in the near future..."

On the third weekend of August every year for the past fourteen years we have had the weirdest weekend you can imagine. The Weird Weekend is the largest yearly gathering of mystery animal investigators in the English-speaking world. Now in its fourteenth year, the convention attracts speakers and visitors from all over the world and showcases the findings of investigators into strange phenomena.
Cryptozoologists, parapsychologists, ufologists, and folklorists are descending on Woolfardisworthy Community Centre to share their findings and insights. Unlike other events, the Weird Weekend will also include workshops giving tips to budding paranormal investigators, and even a programme of special events for children. The Weird Weekend is the only fortean conference in the world that is truly a family event, although those veterans of previous events should be reassured that it is still as anarchically silly as ever!
The event is raising money for the Centre for Fortean Zoology, the world’s only full time, professional cryptozoological organisation. The profit from food and beverages goes to a selection of village charities, mostly working with children.
How do you fancy spending three days of high strangeness, good food and great beer, together with the cream of British Fortean researchers in the middle of the glorious Devon countryside? By the way, I am sorry to have to say this, but as this is a fundraising event, tickets are non-refundable, although you are free to resell them should you be unable to attend.
Lee Walker: Dead of Night
Andrew Sanderson: Russia Expedition report
Lars Thomas: The Natural History of Trolls
Judge Smith: Life after Death
Jon Downes/Richard Freeman: Intro to Cryptozoology
Nick Wadham: You will believe in fairies; you will, you will!
Tony Whitehead (RSPB): Starslime
Glen Vaudrey : Mystery animals of Staffordshire
Darren Naish: Adventures from the world of tetrapod zoology
Richard Freeman: Expedition repoort Sumatra 2013
Sarah Boit: Orbs from a photographer's perspective
James Newton (London Cryptozoology club): Bigfoot
Shaun Histead-Todd: Pre Columbian civilisations in america
Ronan Coghlan: Amphibians from Outer Space
Jon Downes: Keynote Speech
Speaker's Dinner at the Community Centre
Tickets are only £20 in advance
I think Peter McAdam is one of the funniest people around, and I cannot recommend his book The Nine Henrys highly enough. Check it out at Amazon. Each issue we shall be running a series of Henrybits that are not found in his book about the nine cloned cartoon characters who inhabit a surreal world nearly as insane as mine...
Stephen Stills fans can now get a preview of Can’t Get Enough, the upcoming debut album by his blues-rock supergroup The Rides, which also features Kenny Wayne Shepherd and founding Electric Flag keyboardist Barry Goldberg.  The band’s rendition of the Iggy Pop and the Stooges classic “Search and Destroy” is now streaming in its entirety....

Read on...
Thanks to Dave McMann for sending this in
The Pukes hold an afternoon of free music on the canal at Mile End Park on Sunday and running a free ukulele workshop.

They are a 20-strong mainly-female group from east London who play covers of classic punk songs on ukuleles, as well as originals.

"We can't wait to play on the boat and spread some punk rock ukulele love to the people of the East End," said The Puke's Clara Wiseman.

"The ukulele is a great instrument we can teach raw beginners the basic chords in just half-a-hour."

The collective, who recently released their debut EP on Damaged Goods Records, received funding from the Arts Council to run a series of ukulele workshops for children and adults.

Also on the bill are east London'sPunkture Sluts and Cake For Breakfast punky children's band. Children's activities are being laid on such as mask and puppet-making, while food is served up from the Lady Agatha canal boat.

Up-and-coming singer-songwriter Louise Distras is squeezing Sunday's event into her busy schedule of summer festival gigs with her protest songs.

She's also on hand to help youngsters wanting to make a living from music.

The four-hour gig next to Mile End Art Pavilion in Clinton Road, off Grove Road, starts at 2pm (near Mile End Underground station).

It has actually been rather a nice week here in the badly converted potato shed where my new assistant editor Captain Frunobulax the Magnificent and I labour on all the different projects that I do. 
My main worries of the last seven days have concerned the earthquake in Sumatra. As you may or may not know, I have a three person expedition out there at the moment, and last week there was a serious earthquake that devastated the north of the island. There was a second earthquake earlier today, but luckily I have heard from Richard and everything and everyone are OK.

Things are actually going rather well at the moment, and the next wave of Gonzo grooviness is imminent. As you know, I already do various podcasts for Gonzo Web Radio and I am toying with the idea of expanding this to something special, and doing a series of podcasts featuring music unavailable elsewhere, especially for subscribers to this magazine.

Remember that it doesn't cost anything to subscribe, and that in doing so you are joining an elite, and rapidly expanding group of music fans who believe that we are not being given the music or the cultural coverage that we deserve. We are living in disturbing and strange times, but ultimately they are very interesting ones, and continuing to chronicle the Gonzoverse is an immensely rewarding thing to do. Thank you for reading.

Until next week,

Jon Downes


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